1. 项目费:4500加币,包含
•Medical insurance
•Group airport transfer and city tour
•Shared accommodation for 31 nights
•Orientation and farewell events
•Course materials
•Social activities (optional trips may require an additional fee)
2. 其他:机票、签证费、保险费、银行汇款手续费及汇率差价、个人消费等自理。
1. 员工范围
2. 英语水平
有较好的英语水平,能够流利交流。面试时间另行通知 。
下载并填写“2016 UBC温哥华暑期项目报名表”,发送至 cufelawcamp@163.com, 邮件主题和报名表请注明“2016UBC温哥华暑期项目报名表+申请人姓名”。
Topics in Law: International Business and Canadian Common Law
The Law and Practice of International Business
Business actors face unique challenges when their activities cross international borders. This course introduces students to the legal and practical aspects of international business regulation. It familiarizes students with the analytical tools used by lawyers who advise on international business issues. Through guest lectures from international business lawyers and in-depth study of actual business case studies, the course addresses the complex economic, social, political, cultural, and legal factors which shape international business. In addition, students will get to experience the adrenalin of deal-making and business negotiations through negotiation exercises and document-drafting role-plays.
Canadian Common Law – Rights & Responsibilities
For lawyers and business practitioners working in a globalized world, knowledge of the common law is an essential skill. This course introduces students to the rights and responsibilities which underlie common law systems – with a focus on Canadian law – and the nature of the judicial process. Students take a rich journey through Canadian criminal law and constitutional law frameworks. This highly interactive class involves field trips to see how the Canadian courts work and allows students to participate in ‘mock trials’ or ‘moot court competitions’ where students take on the role of serving as lawyers and judges.
2016 UBC Vancouver Summer Program.pdf